Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spring is here!

Today We went for a walk to enjoy the beautiful hot weather! Kendall road in her stroller facing forward for the first time today......she enjoyed it so much, that she fell asleep!! Poor little girl can never fight the road...just like her mommy! It was so hot that it was 27 degress C out. I guess I can safely say that spring is officially here!?


  1. Kendall has a beautiful smile. The weather was amazing today.

  2. Your are so fortunate to be able to record the special moments in your lives, because it goes by too fast. Now you have something to reflect you , many years down the roads. Thanks for doing that, Love you always, Dad

  3. She just looks soo hugable (sp??)!! We had some pretty hot weather here too!!! So nice for a change! Good luck tomorrow - can't wait to see pictures of the visit.
