Friday, March 19, 2010

Time with Daddy

Kaylay, Our "other" Child is adapting to the changes in our house hold very well. We include her in many of our daily activities, including dress up!! Here are a couple of Photos of Kaylay in Kendalls head band!

Yesturday Trent started his days off, so I took the liberty to take a few photos of Kendall with Daddy. We sure enjoy our time with him when he is home.


  1. She is growing up sooooo quickly!!! She's sooo perfect, Auntie just wants to cuddle her! Great picture of her and daddy, it's always nice to have them around to share in the baby duties :) Have a great weekend and look forward to seeing more pictures.

  2. Hey, that's a pretty cute headband on the dog!! Looks like everybody is doing great, Kendall even smiles like her daddy!!
